Karen Levett - "Living LOVE & Kindness"

"To all you amazing, strong, brave women, I salute you!
Strength & resilience is not something we are born with, it is something we grow and learn – that’s if we are open to accept its hard lessons.

I learnt this on the Strongest Story Course & then I lived it with the illness of my daughter.
For many years my daughter has been battling CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).
This journey, along with the bravest of teachers, my daughter, has taught me much of what living a strong story really looks like.

Our journey through illness, has been hard, relentless & all encompassing. But my brave girl has opened my eyes to so many life lessons.

The lessons come thick & fast, but everyday I’m reminded to live in faith & not fear.

Watching my daughter, I am struck by how strong she is in her faith, how much God means to her & she to Him. She teaches me to live life to the full & to appreciate the small things.

I now realize how each moment of our crazy, rushed life is of huge importance.

One minute the weight is unbearable & it feels like it will break us & the next I can feel how it is making us stronger.

How, as a mother, can I cry so deep, dig so deep & yet still have faith so deep?
I know that God is in control of my daughter’s health & I choose to live in his love and faith & not in my own strength.

The Strongest Story Course reminds me that we needn’t be scared of the challenges & curve balls that life throws at us, for very often it’s from these hardships that our story becomes stronger, more robust & even more beautiful!

The course also taught me to take care of me. I’m not always good at this & it’s a constant battle, but I’ve realized that I can’t give to anyone else from a place of emptiness. I need to first full my own cup & then, from this place of fullness, I am able to meet the needs of those around me."