Judith Leclercq “Powerfully Positive and Utterly Dependable”

“I work for the United Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, and besides being a very proud South African, I am also a strong advocate against GBV.

I aspire to have an impact on the lives of those around me and I have done many self-development courses in the past few years to help me figure out my purpose, yet I wasn’t quite sure how to do it, until I had the privilege to attend a workshop with STRONGEST STORY all the way from Switzerland. I am grateful to STRONGEST STORY for not only helping me identify my strengths but also helping me embrace my own story, that I can own and be proud of; and that confidence is not being boastful, conceited, or pretentious but it’s about being authentic.

Since then, I have been able to use my strengths to meet needs around me and a few short months ago, I got to do just that, when a single-parent cousin of mine experienced a very painful incident with her teenage son, that brought me to a conclusion that we all have a role to play in helping our youngsters become better versions of themselves, and I remembered the famous African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child”.

I decided to reach out to an NPO, called “Boys to Men” based in Cape Town, who is dedicated to mentoring adolescent boys for their holistic emotional health and personal growth for help and guidance. This story, that initially started off very sad, grey and without much hope, turned out to be a good story of a young boy who not only felt supported and loved, but felt hope that there are people out there who care. “He is a changed young man” in his mother’s own words, after attending a weekend away with @boystomen_capetown . I am very happy that I could be a part of his journey of becoming a better version of himself. I am currently involved and committed to become an active sponsor of “Boys to Men”, fulfilling my purpose to continue inspiring young people to be the best versions of themselves, irrespective of their circumstances.”